Custom Pacific Rim Wiki

This article was written by Dialgafreak. Please do not edit the article without the creator's permission.

This page is commandeered by me. It was originally written by @RedRabbit348 but he is inactive. I wrote some of this.

Olympic Royal was a MK VI Jaeger that was constructed in the Anochorage Shatterdome but was transferred to the New York City Shatterdome. The Jaeger was completed in 2031 and was tested right away in late 2031.

Service History[]

Olympic Royal was completed somewhere in 2031 in Anchorage but was transferred to New York city to combat the Atlantic Breach threat. It had a total of 3 Kaiju kills before being destroyed in the Battle for New York City by a Category III (3) Kaiju in 2037. The first one was a quick victory but suffered some damage.


Olympic Royal is painted an unusual shade of purple and white. The color combination has lead to many fans for the Jaeger. It features a secure chest con-pod as well as extra reactors on the top. A large central spotlight helps to identify any Kaiju it encounters. It has a wrist plasma cannons as well as a wrist mounted blade for weapons.

Kaiju Killed[]

Kaiju Killed:
Kaiju Date Team Location
CV8 ?/?/31 [[EXPUNGED]] Buffalo
Grog 5??/31 Solo Unknown
57b ?/?/?? Unrevealed Unknown


  • Though being in more than 3 years of service, the Jaeger did not see active service as it had only 3 kills.

